Totally new teeth in a day

Totally new teeth in a day

Press: A1+: Ամբողջությամբ նոր ատամնաշար՝ մեկ օրվա ընթացքում Totally new teeth in a day   On July 17-18, 2015, Batumi hosted the 11th International Dental Congress in participation of regional and international companies, teams of dentists and groups that presented innovative approaches to dental implantology. Among international speakers was Roberto Rossi, professor, DDS, MScD, University La Sapienza, Rome (Italy), whose presentation was about Biomimetic periodontics. Roman Levandovsky (Ukraine) spoke about Prosthetics on Dental Implants, as well as biomechanics of complications after cemented and screwed supra-structure connections. Victor Daub from Germany presented new trends…Read more
Armenian dentists performed several operations at the 11th international congress of implantologists in Batumi

Armenian dentists performed several operations at the 11th international congress of implantologists in Batumi

Press: Հայ իմպլանտոլոգները Բաթումիում ստոմատոլոգների միջազգային կոնգրեսի ժամանակ ցուցադրական վիրահատություններ են անցկացրել Имплантологи из Армении провели показательные операции в ходе Международного конгресса стоматологов в Батуми Armenian dentists performed several operations at the 11th international congress of implantologists in Batumi   On 17-18 July Batumi hosted the 11th international dental congress. Dentists from Georgia, Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, Italy and many other countries participated in it. On 19 July Armenian implantologists performed the following operations: Restoration of the bone defect. Installation of both implants and fixed construction during a single visit to the dentist…Read more
Armenian dentists presented innovative method  for surgical implantation in Georgia

Armenian dentists presented innovative method for surgical implantation in Georgia

Press: Հայ ատամնաբույժները Վրաստանում իմպլանտացիայի նորարար վիրահատական մեթոդիկա են ցուցադրել   A group of Armenian dentists attended the "Third International Congress of Implantologists" held in Tbilisi April 24-26, during which Dr. Davit Galstyan (Divident dental clinic, Yerevan)  conducted complex operations with the use of innovative method offered and authorized by Bredent Medical company, Germany ( During the Congress Dr. Galstyan conducted an operation using Fast & Fixed concept (due to which after a single surgical intervention a fully edentulous person immediately leaves the operating room with new and functional teeth), as well…Read more
Armenian implantologists showed innovative technology at the Congress in Tbilisi

Armenian implantologists showed innovative technology at the Congress in Tbilisi

Press: Թբիլիսիում հայ իմպլանտոլոգները նորարարական տեխնիկա են ցուցադրել Армянские имплантологи на Конгрессе в Тбилиси показали инновационную технику   During the Third Tbilisi International Congress on Dental Implantology a team of highly professional implantologists representing Armenian clinic DiviDent supervised by the consultant of Bredent Medical David Galstyan conducted demonstrative Fast & Fixed operations, resorbed bone reconstruction using own bone tissue (bone block grafting) and sinus lifting. The Third International Congress on Dental Implantology was held April 24-26, 2015 in Georgia, Tbilisi. The Congress representative of the German company Bredent Medical has conducted a number of…Read more
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